Zoë Quinn Was Right: Gamergate Must Be Condemned

August 14, 2024 Online Abuse, GamerGate, 2024, Support, Manosphere

“When people that are prominent in the industry can stand up and say 'I'm part of games, I love games, this hate mob doesn't speak for me, this is not welcome in games', it has the two-fold effect of making it less damaging to those that this can hurt, and it does something repair this horrible misrepresentation of this medium that so many of us love.”

In this somber reflection on our past as women in gaming, the once-dismissed warnings and accusations of being 'too dramatic' and 'crazy' now resonate with undeniable clarity. A decade ago, indie developer Zoë Quinn entered a world overshadowed by the turbulence of a hate "movement" known as Gamergate. Initially framed as a discussion about journalistic integrity, it revealed itself to many as a swirling storm of misogyny, threats of violence, illegal digging and doxxing, and far worse.

For Quinn, the experience was agonizingly personal. At just 27 years old, threats against her life forced her to leave the safety of her home. Her urgent plea was for the pillars of the gaming industry to stand with her and unequivocally denounce the insidious nature of Gamergate. While some spoke out, most did not.

I extend my deepest apologies to the women who were targeted, and I feel remorse for my silence over these many years, despite being a target myself. The shame of what we endured, coupled with fear, rendered me unable to speak out, and I couldn't bear to witness any further destruction. Who could have anticipated that individuals with such calculated intentions would exist, fostering deceit for so long just to exploit women in gaming—arguably some of the most incredible women out there?

This reflection serves as a somber testament of compassion for those ensnared in this deluge, like Zoë, Anita, Brianna, and myself. It stands not as an exaggeration, but as a once-foretold reality, now unmasked.

“I hope this narrative honors our stories. I'm part of games. I love games. This hate mob doesn't speak for me. This is not welcome in games.”

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