Unfuck Your PTSD: Trauma Recovery Using Brain Science

October 5, 2017 Books, Support

“Do you freak the fuck out at the weirdest possible times? You could be having a trauma reaction gone on autopilot that's taken over your life.”

"Unfuck Your PTSD: Using Science to Reclaim Your Life" by Dr. Faith G. Harper is like a wise friend with a Ph.D., offering a profound playbook for those looking to turn trauma on its head. With humor, empathy, and a touch of neuroscience wizardry, the book equips readers with the tools to reclaim their lives post-trauma. It's especially relevant for women in gaming who endured the digital storm of GamerGate and are now seeking a roadmap for healing.

GamerGate was a nasty plot twist in the story of gaming culture, featuring undesirable guest stars like harassment and doxxing, with women taking center stage as the unwilling protagonists. For many, this wasn’t merely an online squabble but a drama that left psychological scars. PTSD can rear its head in such stories with anxiety, hyper-awareness, and mood swings that throw a player's life off balance.

Dr. Faith Harper breaks down PTSD with clarity and wit, illuminating the labyrinth of the brain's trauma responses. Understanding that being jumpy or avoidant is in the wiring, not a sign of weakness, is key for peace of mind.

Loaded with exercises to help hit the refresh button on mental well-being, the book introduces practices like grounding and cognitive restructuring—not just for therapy sessions but for navigating virtual worlds with more ease. The goal? Transforming gaming from a battlefield back into a haven of fun.

What sets this book apart is its candid, humorous style. Dr. Harper makes even the most intimidating psychological insights seem friendly, offering a comforting reminder that healing doesn’t have to be a solemn quest. Instead, it can feel much like leveling up—challenging yet rewarding.

Also, the book highlights the strength found in community and shared struggles. For those who felt isolated by GamerGate's shadows, finding camaraderie can be profoundly restorative. Whether through forums, guilds, or therapy groups, the message is clear—you’re not alone in your quest.

For women gamers and anyone who've faced the fiery dragons of online abuse, "Unfuck Your PTSD" lights up the path to recovery and empowerment. Dr. Harper’s blend of science, humor, and realism not only offers strategies for coping but also reignites a sense of control. For those rewriting their story post-GamerGate, this book is the perfect power-up—both enlightening and reassuring, it stands as a beacon for personal growth and healing in the gaming arena.

