Trashed=True Series Evidence Directory

December 10, 2023 2023, Evidence, Exploitation, Trafficking

“It was only through the expensive tracking software we acquired—a luxury out of reach for many survivors—that I began to uncover the strategies designed to discredit and silence me...No one should have to navigate their safety in the dark, unaware that valuable safety information may have been concealed, leaving them vulnerable to those who would do them harm.”

In a world that often ignores the complexities of abuse and trafficking, reclaiming their narratives can feel impossible for survivors. My journey, marked by betrayal and a relentless fight for justice, reflects both personal trauma and the systemic failures that many face. This is the story of a woman battling her past while confronting a network intent on silencing her truth.

For seven years, I was ensnared by my trafficker and his accomplices, who relentlessly attacked my reputation and dismantled my multi-award-winning career in gaming. Their actions not only harmed me but also impacted those who supported me, including my husband, who provided the resources I needed to combat this darkness. Only through costly tracking software—unaffordable for many survivors—did I begin to uncover their strategies to discredit me.

The tactics of my trafficker’s network were chillingly orchestrated. They employed psychological warfare, using vague threats and friendly manipulation that blurred reality. I recalled how he subtly cast doubt on my credibility among his "friends," as if my life were a performance with him as the puppet master.

In computer code, a command "trashed=true" instructs the system to delete something. When my evidence was marked for deletion, it was an intentional act by a Google employee who had no regard for my safety or that of other potential victims. My studies in religion and philosophy taught me that control is an illusion, including the illusion of safety.

The system’s clear instruction to send evidence to the “trash” meant my evidence was intentionally erased without any warning or notice. This deletion ensured that my public safety notice was also removed, preventing others from making informed safety decisions.

Consider a woman researching a man she’s thinking of dating; she searches tirelessly for any safety indicators. Unbeknownst to her, crucial warnings or evidence about that individual might have been quietly erased by social media companies, leaving her vulnerable and unaware of the potential danger she’s entering.

In my case, the network of abusers targeted me, employing cyberstalking and blackmail to manipulate my narrative in alignment with their false accusations. When I stood firm and deleted their decoy account to demonstrate my disinterest, they escalated their campaign to destroy my career, reputation, and safety through relentless harassment and intimidation, including sexual assault that profoundly affected my life.

The removal of my evidence and safety notice highlights that systems designed to protect can be compromised. This reality endangers victims seeking information about potentially abusive partners, underscoring the urgent need for transparency and accountability in platforms that hold our personal information. No one should have to navigate their safety in ignorance, unaware that critical information has been concealed, leaving them vulnerable to harm.

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*Reader discretion is advised. As per laws surrounding victims who chose to share their stories publicly, all claims are “alleged”; however, relevant evidence that can be shared publicly is also being shown to assist others in forming their own conclusions about the reality of the story. This site shares a true story based on real events that are categorized by the date around which they happened as accurately as possible. It covers traumatic topics such as loverboy method grooming, sex trafficking, exploitation, severe and long-term mental abuse, public and private defamation, public exposures with tampered evidence, and sexual violence, mainly for intimidation and punishment for speaking out. It may trigger strong emotions and flashbacks in those with similar trauma; please prioritize your well-being before proceeding. Some details have been altered for privacy, clarity, and brevity, but the essential context remains intact.