Misogyny Makes You Stupid

August 31, 2024 2024, GamerGate, Manosphere

“As a professional who has debunked herself out of countless jobs, I have carefully observed what’s been going down over the last decade or so, from Gamergate all the way to now, where actual elected officials cut their racist shitposting teeth on 4chan and it shows..”

Hello from your friendly neighborhood debunker! It's been a few (fact-check: 18) days since I last ranted, which is only because the absolute nitpicking nonsense that's getting put out there as fact-checking has become so ludicrous that it's gone beyond warp speed stupidity and well into full plaid.

I mean, just look at this shit! How am I supposed to do anything about this? Every time I sit down to write a spicy debunking of some abortion of a “fact-check” that someone without any idea what they’re doing farted out, I see something else that’s even worse, then something that’s even worse than that, and by the time I’ve processed it all the news cycle has moved on to the next phase of whatever lunacy we’re going to have to contend with for the rest of this election cycle.

So instead, I’m going to write about another disinformation campaign, one that no amount of fact-checks will ever be able to touch: structural misogyny. Without it, we wouldn’t have most of the nonsense floating around that we have today.

Don’t worry. I can explain. And I’m gonna!

As a professional who has debunked herself out of countless jobs, I have carefully observed what’s been going down over the last decade or so, from GamerGate all the way to now, where actual elected officials cut their racist shitposting teeth on 4chan and it shows, and I have thought it all the way through to one irrefutable conclusion:

Misogyny makes you stupid.