Mapping the Male Supremacy Movement: Men’s Rights Activists, Pick Up Artists and Rape Culture

August 28, 2018 Trafficking, Rape Culture, Pickup Artist, Manosphere
While incels are focused almost primarily on sex, the concerns of Men’s Rights Activists (MRAs) are broader: they believe men are being railroaded daily by scourges of feminism that include false rape accusations, alimony settlements and demands for equal pay. MRA leader Gavin McInnes neatly encapsulated the paternalism of their philosophy when he bragged that he was helping women understand the “dangers” of feminism.

It’s not unusual to find MRA and incel language on alt-right message boards. In one instance from, an anonymous poster berated white women for their selfish choices. (“Chad” is the incel term for a man who is attractive to women.)

“Your ‘freedom’ has brought white people and our land nothing but hardship. You whores [are]… sieving our entire race just because you want to sleep with Chad for a night and have one of his criminal bastard genes, and then pretend to have a career, instead of going for a breadwinner and breeding six warriors while being a happy hausfrau.”

Meanwhile, Pick Up Artists (PUAs) are longtime players in the misogynist manosphere—and their putative leader, Daryush Valizadeh, who goes by RooshV, has dedicated himself to decrying feminism, belittling women and teaching men how to be an effective sexual predator.

Incels and PUAs believe that date rape is not only defensible, but is a skill that can and should be taught. RooshV himself has publicly defended violent incel tendencies, including in a Twitter post the day after a violent incel attack in Toronto left dozens dead or injured.

The underlying belief—that women should be sexually available to men at all times, for any reason, without argument—is what presumably led RooshV to argue for the legalization of rape.