Evidence: Trafficker's “Friend” Mobilizes His Flying Monkeys to Confront Me

April 11, 2021 2021, GamerGate, Manosphere, Text Transcripts

“Whether there is a mental illness or darkness he deals with is not a good enough reason, after some time, and he hit that barrier. A hard boundary needed to be enforced. Yes, he was caught on numerous occasions, but what you posted was the umpteenth example. It was a very hard decision, but it needed to be done so that he could deal with how destructive he had become.”

Flying Monkey [9:49am]:

[Engaging in discussion about the “Zero Era” drama yet again, despite the fact that I reminded Zero many times that I was not the one who banned him. He obsessively kept accusing me, even when he was shown the audit log proving he was banned due to his attempts to recruit men into his Red Pill ‘network,’ which was a bannable behavior for that subreddit, anyway. He committed the crime but didn't like the consequences, so he started sending his flying monkeys.]

Was this the reason?

Diabolidoll [10:06am]:

So, for my own disclaimer, I don't want to discuss this with you because it's not my place. I will answer as carefully as possible, and that will need to be the end of it because you are likely not aware of the history we all have. First, it was not my doing, though I am aware that he believes it was me. Also, plain and simple, he lies... a lot. There is significant history and proof of this, despite his denial.

Whether there is a mental illness or darkness he deals with is not a good enough reason, after some time, and he hit that barrier. A hard boundary needed to be enforced. Yes, he was caught on numerous occasions, but what you posted was the umpteenth example. It was a very hard decision, but it needed to be done so that he could deal with how destructive he had become.

As for the server, he left on his own accord, but not before bad-mouthing people and causing destruction on his way out. I am very aware of the self-destruct phase of recovery, and that's why I don't take it personally, despite him calling me a "fucking psycho." He is very much in that stage right now. We have all tried very hard to help him, but he wasn't having it. Then he relapsed. We haven't really been on speaking terms since.

Since I have seen and helped many addicts, I am very familiar with this behavior, and boundary enforcement is critical. My advice to you is to be aware of what you're being pulled into right now so that you can also protect yourself.

[Link to “Destabilizing Triangulation” in psychology.]

To be continued...