Evidence: My Radicalized Cyberstalker’s Public Defamation Gets Auto-Archived

September 16, 2022 Evidence, Text Transcripts, 2022, Manosphere

“Sometimes, to fight against the darkness, we must navigate unconventional paths, including allowing the very antagonists in our story to expose themselves publicly...”

In the aftermath of unspeakable loss, when a loved one—just a baby—is violently taken from this world through abuse only five days after credible ‘anonymous’ threats to ‘honeypot’ accounts, the ensuing journey transforms into an unexpected passage through grief, anger, and an insatiable quest for justice, ensuring that the child has a voice when they were too young to speak.

Now, imagine a scenario where, only days before the unimaginable happens, a shadowy presence from your online past resurfaces in an online support room you were invited to through manipulative trickery to help give guidance—a cyberstalker from a sex cult you have never been involved with and don’t ever want to be involved with. This person is radicalized and relentless, cybersmearing you with tightly-cropped, cherry-picked evidence shared completely out of context to anyone who will listen, all in an effort to rally supporters for their fraudulent, manufactured victimhood.

[I will post the evidence from this case; it’s just not up yet.]

At first, this may seem like an eerie coincidence, but this figure possesses a lot of information that you shared only in what was supposed to be the safest of spaces—with someone you once trusted and were intimate with—who later cyberstalked you and blackmailed you with his “friends” to lure you into meeting him, only to sexually assault you instead. Worse yet, he allegedly recorded it without your knowledge or consent to show to other people who spent years cyberstalking you, digging for any clues and hacking you to contact your friends and family to humiliate you, isolate you, and threaten you into staying quiet.

Then they contacted you again on a honeypot account they should have never known about unless they were actively searching for you to “warn” you to “be careful” and that the “truth saves lives,” ending the conversation with “please enjoy, you vindictive bitch.” They did all of this without providing any truthful evidence, resorting to intimidation, and falsely framing you for things you know you haven’t done, while also confirming the connection to your loverboy method trafficker.

In moments of despair, clarity can often emerge, guiding you toward unexpected actions. Some call this God; others believe in goddesses like Veritas, who is said to protect you—the elusive figure believed to be hidden at the bottom of a holy well in ancient tales. Some say it’s simply good karma. Sometimes, to fight against the darkness, we must navigate unconventional paths, including allowing the very antagonists in our story to expose themselves publicly, particularly if they’re the ones who brought this hate to you and your family through lies and false accusations with manipulated evidence.

This journey is not about acting out of impulsive revenge, and I’m not a vindictive person at all, but it’s about strategically documenting and understanding the twisted narratives that can emerge with abusers—“Know Thy Enemy,” as it were. It involves engaging with these narratives, however daunting they may be, and often entails making difficult choices about how to interact with those who wish you harm, even when you wouldn’t “normally” do so, as described in the first chapter of my e-book, “The Lies My ‘Loverboy’ Told Me”.

Transcript of the Public Conversation with the

“Friend” of My Trafficker and Cyberstalker


[Publicly posts an edited and tightly-cropped private DM where he found my honeypot user ID and contacted it despite being told to cease contact and being blocked over 30 times. He then typed out a long string of abuse that stemmed from a wave of harassment that began more than 17 months prior [no, I’m not kidding]. I replied with something obviously silly to troll him, fully aware that he would edit it out of context and post it publicly to defame me while hiding the vital details of his abuse.]

Note: This isolation strategy is a well-known tactic victims endure long after trafficking occurs. It serves as proof that the perpetrators will continue to search for the victim and create chaos in their life, even eight years later.

You can see that she is not mentally well and is a habitual liar.

[Him doing this publicly gives me legal authority to defend myself and likewise publicly call it out for the fraud that it is, which according to a lawyer was: Invasion of Privacy, False Light Defamation, intentional Misrepresentation, among the many other crimes before and after this.]


Post the ENTIRE conversation, you know, where I said I’m trolling you after you thoroughly abused me in that same conversation that you started after you were blocked AGAIN for following me and showing people out-of-context texts, like this. Perfect example. You don’t fucking stop.

It’s easy to create alternative narratives with tightly cropped texts where you crop out/edit the part under it that says that’s a troll (see how the emojis are even cut off—that wouldn’t fly in the court of law), your abuse and insults above it and below that, the times I told you to stop writing me (this message was in modmail after he was banned for cyberstalking), constantly complaining about posts that are not even about you [many not even from me], among so much other bullshit...

I hope for your future you eventually learn how these things can twist up people’s lives and maybe even cause people to be killed. You lied about me and sent hate my way for over a year, and your evidence was always edited/tightly-cropped. Ask yourself why. Why can’t you share the entire thing? It’s because you know, deep down, you took out a lot and are trying to create a narrative from maybe 5% of that whole conversation. Context is everything, cowboy. Maybe one day you’ll understand the power of truth. It’s so much better than this childish crap.


“OK [Diabolidoll] do what you will but please understand perjury is a felony.” [Cliché scare tactics...yawn.]


So is tampering with evidence:


So is intimidating a witness:



“Your a fucking idiot you post a video of untampered Evidence that matches what I posted you delusional cow.” [No, it doesn’t. And it’s “you’re”. Ugh.]


That’s my video as a response to your false light defamation. What you posted is technically edited [for misrepresentation and defamation no less]. You were/are in a known abusive sex cult that I have stated too many times that I do not want to be involved in. You refuse to leave me alone even though I’ve asked/blocked 30+ times. You have refused to leave me alone for over a year now. You constantly attack me for things I have not done.



“False light is meant to protect a person from the offense or embarrassment that arises from a misleading or untrue implication.”

“A person commits the federal crime of tampering with evidence when he or she knowingly alters, conceals, falsifies, or destroys any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to interfere with an investigation, possible investigation, or other proceedings by the federal government. (18 U.S.C. § 1519.)”



You are litterally projecting what your doing on to me you gucking nutcase. [😂]


You sure? “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” - Inigo Montoya, The Princess Bride

“The biggest reason, conscious or unconscious, that a person projects is that they can’t admit they were wrong about something. For some, the idea of admitting you were wrong is an honest one. It’s a sign you are willing to grow and learn from your past mistakes. If someone doubles down and shifts the blame, it makes them seem like they are stubborn.”


What exactly am I projecting onto you? Can you label it? I’m trying to do my best with posting verifiable evidence so everyone can see just a tiny fraction of the damages you’ve caused. But your 17+ month discrediting and smear campaign [one of many waves] is getting really old for so many people who kept blaming me for continuing to bring it up even though I wasn’t. I’m also trying to be as neutral as possible, but I’m only seeing DARVOing and ad hominem attacks. Feel free to let me know exactly what you’re accusing me of, because I’m only seeing insults and catchphrases.




This is clear witness intimidation after stalking, threats, and extortion:



Dont bring my ex fiance into this [Diabolidoll] your derange nutcase and don’t ever utter that name out of your fat fucking face again. And take your delusional self elsewhere no one would ever mustake a whale like you for a woman. [Not sure what he’s taking about here as I only mentioned a first name, “Kate” that someone told me he thought I was, which I’m not.]


I don’t know who your ex-fiancé is. You very clearly have mixed people up and dragged me through the mud. I literally haven’t contacted you since early last year. I have been trying to avoid you for over a year and a half to no avail. I’ve also never once shown you my photos. How are you making these stupid claims about my appearances? [Me knowing I had been hacked by their ‘network’ and voyeuristically spied on, listened to in my home, and located for in-person attacks and doxxing—right before my family member was violently murdered].


I’m just gonna sit back and watch you implode I’m not stepping in anymore your nuts and I’m not dealing with pyscho woman anymore enjoy your attention seeking.


Yeah, leaving again after being called out for [publicly] posting partial screenshots out of context. What else what in that convo [Cyberstalker]? Post the entire [chat] for others.


Then show it I have nothing to hide. [Proof of consent given! Woo!]


No homie, you have the burden of proof. You again posted cropped info to false light defame. Please, go ahead, post the ENTIRE convo.


[Diabolidoll] we both know your a liar we’re not working with preponderance of evidence [Oh! Pulling out the big wirds!] since your calling me out for giving false evidence the burden of proof is on the prosecution. I know you act smart but in reality we both know your [*you're] pretty stupid. Or you wouldn’t be doing stupid shit like this.


Are we in a court of law?! Bet the judge would love to know you're editing evidence to continue to harass and false light defame. Something something evidence tampering? Do I have that right?



You need help if you truly think I edited shit and plus we have year and half your nonsense it’s why you were banned in the first place [I wasn’t] and kicked out of the male discord space [I wasn’t] becuase you were a threat to every male in there [By giving resources I was invited to give, all by professionals in mental health and neurology]. You are becoming nonsensical and delusional this is not safe for everyone involved. Please get help like [Names Of Co-Conspirators] I have been telling you to get.


...You just posted a cropped screenshot that removes your crimes. And again, you came to me, again. I was not kicked out, I left and the server was closed. I have evidence of this as well. The gaslighting is pretty humorous at this point though. All 3 of you being caught with my [sex trafficker] already too. This does not look good for any of you.

If you’re so tired of it then stop bringing it up. Stop chasing me around the internet, stop stalking me, stop trying to extort me, and stop trying to involve me in your crimes. I have no dealings with you at all and yet this completely random person on the internet seems to have a mental hard on over ‘exposing’ me for crimes only they’ve done so far? Yeah, this isn’t suspect at all. [I posted a video of the entire actual conversation]. The tightly cropped screenshot above is clearly edited and clearly only being posted used to discredit me and tamper with me as a witness of their crimes against me.



You have no case you need help [Diabolidoll] this is not normal healthy behavior and qhat your your [*you're] doing is sick and not ok.


I do need help. I am clearly in the presence of someone also gaslighting and abusing me despite the presence of clear evidence of being stalked, abused, intimidated, etc. I literally can’t get away from you:



[Cyberstalker’s User ID], this is not healthy behaviour. Editing evidence against someone, lying, smear campaigns, stalking, harassment, etc. We’ve never dated or anything man, please let it go. This is insane. We only played video games for a few hours. Be real.

[This marks the end of the public part of this conversation due to me blocking him again. Edits have been made to protect privacy and for brevity, but all vital context remains intact. We are still working to determine if we can publicly share the private DM transcripts. They will be posted once we are able to do so.]

*Reader discretion is advised. As per laws surrounding victims who chose to share their stories publicly, all claims are “alleged”; however, relevant evidence that can be shared publicly is also being shown to assist others in forming their own conclusions about the reality of the story. This site shares a true story based on real events that are categorized by the date around which they happened as accurately as possible. It covers traumatic topics such as loverboy method grooming, sex trafficking, exploitation, severe and long-term mental abuse, public and private defamation, public exposures with tampered evidence, and sexual violence, mainly for intimidation and punishment for speaking out. It may trigger strong emotions and flashbacks in those with similar trauma; please prioritize your well-being before proceeding. Some details have been altered for privacy, clarity, and brevity, but the essential context remains intact.