Distortion Dossier: Laura Loomer’s “Ep. 1, The Great Replacement: Invasion”

October 17, 2024 2024, Analysis, Distortion Dossier™, Satire, The Matrix Witch Trials™

“Good call dropping Obama’s middle name in there, just in case the audience might have confused the former President with one of the many other Barack Obamas out there. Or was that meant to remind them of the Arabic name and therefore that he “must be” Muslim?”

The analyzed text is at the bottom of the report. I am uploading the entire series onto my site, but all this takes time. Thank you for your patience.

1. Confirmation Bias

Definition: The tendency to search for, interpret, and remember information in a way that confirms one's pre-existing beliefs.

Explanation: The documentary selectively highlights incidents and statistics that support a negative view of immigration while ignoring information that might contradict it.

2. Cherry-Picking (Selective Evidence)

Definition: Presenting only evidence that supports a particular argument while ignoring evidence that may contradict it.

Explanation: The documentary cites specific crimes allegedly committed by undocumented immigrants without context (e.g., crime rates by immigrant status) to imply a broader trend.

3. Hasty Generalization

Definition: Drawing a conclusion based on insufficient or non-representative evidence.

Explanation: The conclusion that "illegal immigrants" are a threat to society is based on isolated incidents rather than comprehensive data.

4. Slippery Slope Fallacy

Definition: Asserting that a relatively small first step leads to a chain of related events culminating in some significant impact.

Explanation: The implication that allowing more immigrants would lead to societal collapse or increased crime is an example of this fallacy.

5. Ad Hominem Attack

Definition: Attacking the person making the argument rather than addressing the argument itself.

Explanation: Attributing motives of "corporate and liberal agendas" to non-profit organizations without addressing their activities or contributions directly targets their legitimacy instead of the argument.

6. Appeal to Fear

Definition: Attempting to instill fear in the audience to persuade them to accept a particular conclusion.

Explanation: Phrases like “the invasion continues” and “a grave threat” aim to evoke fear about immigrants.

7. False Dilemma (Either/Or Fallacy)

Definition: Presenting two options as the only possibilities when more options may exist.

Explanation: The narrative suggests that one must either support strict immigration control or risk societal destruction, ignoring other potential stances.

8. Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc (After This, Therefore Because of This)

Definition: Assuming that because one event follows another, it was caused by the first event.

Explanation: Linking crime increase directly with immigration patterns without considering other social factors or causation.

9. Appeal to Tradition

Definition: Arguing that something is right or better simply because it is older or traditional.

Explanation: Suggesting that the historical makeup of immigrants should dictate current policies implies that change is inherently negative.

10. Overgeneralization

Definition: A broad conclusion based on a limited sample.

Explanation: Claming that all immigrants aren’t coming to assimilate based on select narratives represents an overgeneralization.

11. Loaded Language

Definition: Using emotionally charged language to sway opinion without providing solid evidence.

Explanation: Terms like "invasion" and "criminal" are used to elicit strong emotional responses rather than factual analysis.

12. Causal Oversimplification

Definition: Simplifying a complex issue to a point where it misrepresents the true causes.

Explanation: The narrative reduces immigration issues to merely crime involvement and government failure, ignoring the socio-economic factors at play.

13. Identity Fallacy

Definition: Assuming that someone’s argument is wrong or invalid based solely on their identity or background.

Explanation: The text implies that specific groups, such as non-profits or certain political parties, may be invalid in their intentions without addressing the merits of their arguments or actions.

14. Cognitive Dissonance

Definition: The mental discomfort experienced by a person who holds two conflicting beliefs, values, or attitudes.

Explanation: The placement of a plea for compassion for affected families alongside strong anti-immigration sentiments may create internal conflict for readers who value empathy alongside their ideologies.

15. Misleading Statistics

Definition: Presenting statistics in a way that skews their true implication.

Explanation: Statistical references regarding immigrants and crime might be presented without adequate context, leading to misinterpretation of the data.

16. Bandwagon Fallacy

Definition: Assuming something is true or right because many people agree with it or do it.

Explanation: Suggesting that because there’s a large number of immigrants, it must be inherently negative or damaging could imply a social consensus that supports the argument without critical examination.

17. Scapegoating

Definition: Blaming a person or group for the problems or issues faced by another person or community.

Explanation: The text places significant blame on immigrants for broader societal issues like crime and poverty, presenting them as the scapegoat for systemic problems.

18. Appeal to the Majority (Argumentum ad Populum)

Definition: Convincing the audience to accept a conclusion based on the popularity of that conclusion.

Explanation: Referencing the percentage of Americans who support certain viewpoints implies that majority opinion alone is sufficient justification for a stance on immigration.

19. Red Herring

Definition: Introducing irrelevant information into an argument to distract from the main issue.

Explanation: The lengthy historical context about immigration may serve to divert from the immediate claims of crime and immigration policy currently being discussed.

20. Fallacy of Composition

Definition: Assuming that what is true for a part is also true for the whole.

Explanation: The implication that individual cases of criminal acts by undocumented immigrants reflect on all immigrants is a misapplication of that reasoning.

21. False Analogy

Definition: Drawing an inaccurate comparison between two things that are not truly comparable.

Explanation: Suggesting that current immigration trends are equivalent to past historical migrations without recognizing the significant changes in context and policy illustrates a flawed analogy.

22. Exaggeration

Definition: Presenting a statement as more significant or extreme than it is.

Explanation: Phrasing that suggests immigration is directly leading to extreme negative outcomes (like the "end of the American dream") without substantiating evidence exemplifies exaggeration.

23. Ambiguity (Equivocation)

Definition: Using a word with multiple meanings to mislead or distort the argument.

Explanation: The term “illegal immigrant” may carry varying connotations, and reliance on this term can create confusion about the individuals being referenced.

These biases, cognitive distortions, and fallacies illustrate the complexity of argumentation and the ease with which misconceptions can arise. They further highlight the myriad cognitive shortcuts and logical missteps that can obscure facts or mislead readers. Understanding these concepts can aid in critically evaluating statements and developing more logical reasoning. These core beliefs are the very reason the Distortion Dossier process was created and are part of The Matrix Witch Trials project. If you find this report helpful and would like to support the cause, feel free to donate here.

Distortion Dossier Analyzed Transcript

Word Count: 1,424

(This text was captured through a dictation app, so there may be some mistakes, but overall the context is the same. I try to make this as accurate as I can. Any serious rebuttals can be submitted through my contact form.)

Border arrests have soared to an all-time high according to the new data from Customs and water protection. 1.7 million migrants have been arrested along the U.S mascal border in the last fiscal year, great and beaten to death on a hiking trails in the suspect illegal. Migrants from El Salvador investigators, say he used it rifle to kill five people including a nine-year-old. Boy, The illegal immigrants, suspected in the killing Around Chinese banking room in Southern California to talk to her kids. She's 28 years old, charitable life ahead of her, the man who killed her was in the country illegally. Our immigration system is broken, and if there was ever a case that reflected that it's suddenly a shot, rang out. Kate fell Me and said help me. Those are the last words they'll ever hear my daughter? For free. Yes, we do what you're talking about Here. We are searching for the people. Is a special 7-Eleven it comes equipped with dancers, for your entertainment. So cover charge, Uh she's not really dead. He can she just standing next to the Frozen Foods? Hi, sir, are you this evening? You really take a picture. Oh, it's not on. Don't worry about it. Can you find this form? None of that. Talk in this story. How you doing tonight sir? Can you can you explain to us how come Super big golf is 59 cents while the other the regular beetle is 69? So, actually, you're paying 10 cents for that missing in 1980 524, 000 immigrants were admitted into the United States. The total population of foreign-born residents at that time, was 14 million. In 1990, the number of immigrants admitted increased to 1.5 million. The total immigrant population Rose to 19.7 million In 841 000 immigrants entered the country. But by that time, The dam had broken And the proceeding decade at least 600 000 immigrants entered the country each year and the total foreign-born population that we could account for increased 57 percent, reaching 31 million. This trend only grew throughout the next decade From 2000 to 2010. There were only three years where less than one million immigrants were allowed to enter our country. By the end of the decade, the total immigrant population was said to have numbered around 40 million. However, an estimated 17.5 million, illegal immigrants also entered, the United States. During this time In 2015, over 25 of the United States. Population was either an immigrant or a descendant of immigrant. Did you changes in methodology, were certain studies, exclude Naturalized, foreign-born residents from the foreign population and challenges posed by our inability to track immigration and deaths of illegal migrants, The true number of immigrants residing within the United States of America remains an elusive statistic From 2011 to 2022. 27.5 million immigrants entered the country legally, During the same time at least 9 million illegal. Migrants also cross our borders Before. 1930. The vast majority of immigrants to the United States were of European descent between 1820 and 1930 over 90 percent of the approximately 33 million immigrants. Who arrived in the United States were from Europe, The largest groups came from countries such as Germany, Ireland, Italy, and the United Kingdom. Today, over 94 of all immigrants entering the United States last resided in Africa, Central or South America Asia. Mexico, the Middle East or the Caribbean, This statistics do not account for the incalculable number of illegal immigrants entering the United States of America. Every single day. This dramatic shift in the demographic, makeup of the Immigrant population was never approved by the American people. In 2019, only 21 of Americans supported long-term growth of diversity in the United States, Even after decades of non-stop propaganda in the news on late night television. And in Hollywood films, Americans are still not in favor of this. Radical and extreme immigration agenda, Yet the invasion continues. Our country has been sold out to foreigners of the lowest form. The American dream has been replaced with government handouts, cheap labor, fentanyl addiction, and unimaginable crime, and a devalued currency crippled by the ever-growing welfare state. There's only one question that remains Who is doing this to us. I decided to look into this myself, In February of 2024, I went to the Darien Gap. A key Transit point in Panama for immigrants from Central and South America, trying to enter the United States illegally. I uncovered an array of non-profit, organizations, aiding and abetting these Invaders in their March to the United States. Southern border. I discovered that groups like the Clinton Foundation Catholic Charities and the Hebrew immigrant Aid Society. Otherwise known as highest her facilitating, the invasion of our country by giving essential resources, instruction manuals and Maps to anyone. Trying to cross our Southern border. These ngos take 100s of millions of United States, taxpayer dollars every single year to oversee, the invasion of our country. The ngos and their backers gain legitimacy within our society by Championing, a humanitarian. Cause The goals of these ngos fall directly in line with the corporate and liberal agenda, pushed by the media, and both political parties. Within our government. There's essentially no correlation between immigrants and violent crime. You use the word illegal. When talking about the man who allegedly killed in Riley, non-commuted person, approximately 69 000 children would detain. Why is it that people are not marching for stuff like this? This is an issue that people want a politicize, but for our families, this is very personal. And we're going to be very focused on mobilizing our Latino voters to weigh in this country's specializes in bilifying black and brown post. The U.S government has agreed to take it. A total of 10 000 Syrian refugees. That's only a tiny fraction of what many other countries around the world are taking there. Isn't right? Just at the border. There's a crisis That's happening with our neighboring countries. This president's policies are not about immigration. It's about ethnicity and racism. The Media no longer serves. As a check on the government when it goes to far rather the media and politicians have fostered. An incestuous relationship Politicians, granted access to Media companies for clicks and Views and the media toes the line of their chosen parties. Agenda allowing a politicians to use them as their mouthpiece Politicians on both sides of the political aisle. Pushed the agenda of mass migration Democrats. Rely on minority votes to get elected Republicans rely on the patronage of corporate donors who profit off cheap. Migrant labor Democrats have long been at the Forefront of the pro integration movement in 2012. President Barack Hussein Obama issued the DACA order which allowed a legal immigrants who came to the country as children to apply for protection from deportation and work. Permits 20 States have pushed the line, even further by passing the DREAM Act, which provides a pathway to citizenship for minor illegal immigrants 15 of these 20 states were Democrat. But five were Republican In 2001, the Texas state, legislature passed, the Texas Dream Act with broad bipartisan support, which allowed for a legal immigrants to qualify for in-state tuition at universities In 2011, the Utah legislature passed the Utah amnesty Act with a support of both parties, which allowed a legal immigrants who were already residing in the state to work legally In 2012. The Nebraska legislature passed a bill with bipartisan support, providing prenatal care benefits to a legal immigrants. Take a look at the never Trump movement. A coalition of Republicans who have worked together to oppose President Trump and his effort to build a border wall and act Mass deportations. A ban on radical Muslims from immigrating to the United States and many other strict immigration measures All intended to make America safe. Again, The ruling class in our country has betrayed the American people, they have allowed our country to be taken over by people who pose a grave threat to our way of life. The American Elite have ushered in an era of crime, poverty and despair. America is no longer prosperous. We are no longer. Proud of our distinguished past. You are no longer safe, and we are losing our culture. The people immigrating to our country, are not coming here to help you. They are not coming here to live alongside you. They are not coming here to assimilate, They're coming here to take your place.