From Women Hate

To Gamergate

Do We Truly Strive for Progress?

A black piece of paper with two white pencils with "The Lies My 'Loverboy' Told Me written on it.


This work is dedicated to the victims who found themselves trapped in a new and harrowing reality, experiencing their suffering in silence when authorities refused to recognize the crimes committed against them. I, too, am among you—a fellow victim of Gamergater's wrath, familiar with the weight of isolation that comes when the world closes its eyes and ears to your truth.

To those who faced the disbelief of friends and family, who couldn't or wouldn't see the depth of your pain: you were left to navigate your trauma alone, your struggles minimized and your cries unheard. The emotional toll of this dismissal was profound, amplifying the feeling of alienation as though the very ground beneath you was unsteady and uncertain.

“Each attempt to share your story met with skepticism served only to deepen the wounds inflicted upon your spirit.”

I remember the moments of despair, the long nights spent wondering if anyone would ever recognize the reality of what I endured, the quiet desperation of wanting simply to be heard and believed.

I stand in solidarity with those who bravely raised their voices for years, hoping to alert others to a danger that seemed invisible. Your relentless pursuit of acknowledgment laid the groundwork for greater understanding, pushing against a wall of indifference that felt insurmountable at times.

Association of Cyberbullying Experiences and Perpetration With Suicidality

Shay Arnon, Anat Brunstein Klomek, Elina Visoki, Tyler M Moore, Stirling T Argabright, Grace E DiDomenico, Tami D Benton, Ran Barzilay

Most significantly, this dedication is for the victims who did not make it out alive. Each of you is etched in my memory—your stories serving as a somber reminder of what is at stake when silence and abuse, both online and off, prevails. You faced unimaginable struggles, and the world’s failure to notice only compounds the tragedy of your loss.

Together, we grieve for what was taken from us and recognize the shared burden of our experiences. May this work honor your lives and struggles, shining a light on the realities we faced. I hope that through this narrative, we can foster understanding, inspire those who still suffer in silence, and create a future where every voice is heard, valued, and believed.

Complementary Music:

"Umbrella" By Ember Island

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